If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words–
A Portrait Is Worth A Million
How can faces say so much? One dear face can conjure a lifetime of happiness.
Life serves up poignant memories of precious moments. From baby’s waking smiles to first day at school to teenage turnover, decked out for a prom date, or casual on the beach, to weddings, first job, a defining hobby, a respected position or profession, renewing vows to old age and veneration, to an exotic setting, figures and faces show remarkable story.
Two faces say love. A family says forever. Learn More Here.

oil portrait commission of young boy
Being a portrait painter is for me one of the most exciting things in the whole world I do as a realist fine artist. Thirty-six years and counting I have captured faces, moods, and body language to present a person on canvas in oils or on paper with watercolor or pencils.
“She has the look of an age she has not yet reached,” a walk-in customer said of one of my portraits. People comment on how the face follows them.
My input is to display with easy grace the person’s spirit in best moments, in finest quality oil paints on materials determined to be most durable. I have honed the profession and craft of painting and learned the finest techniques taught by European masters in drawing, oil and watercolor.
These portraits show variety in the subject’s age and expression, and artist’s medium.
A portrait painter is not a photographer and must build every round centimeter of bodies, faces, and figures, from the soft rounds of cheeks to fine eyelash hair. Although they can come in many sizes, a middle range of sizes is best for letting the painted portrait evolve. A portraitist charges his/her fees based on head, head and shoulders, head and torso, full length seated or standing, on complexity of clothing, military medals, jewelry, architectural background or objects contained within it, never on size alone. A portrait is formal even when casual and not the quick snapshot of the broad grin. A portrait lives with you like a person does and needs to be congenial instead of dramatic–although setting and dress may be.
A portrait artist prefers his/her own photographs for many reasons, beginning with the quality of the shot, the pose, but also includes access and increased information in coloring of flesh. While professional photography may be considered the standard, lighting choice may flatten planes and unify surfaces unduly.
Working with my client is a process of my sensitivity to their wishes as expressed and their respect of my ability to reach their expectations in every regard. Please call me for a consultation or use contact form for your envisioned portrait.
My pleasure.